Understanding And Benefits Of Role Model For Individuals In Living
Role model is (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Do you have a figure or figure idolized? Not only is it just a fan or amazed, but you also want to follow it to become like that person can be in terms of education, business, leadership, and so on. This concept is called the role model.

Role model is an example or role model for someone in living life. Usually everyone has idol characters who are used as role models in doing various things related to good behavior. Role model is usually taken from someone who has a big influence, so people want to follow their attitudes or behavior.

A person who becomes a role model is usually strong and charismatic, and has good principles. Not always famous figures such as public figures, teachers, celebrities, but role models can also be from families like parents. So what are role models and benefits in a person's life?

Role model is a person or figure who can be a role model for others, both in terms of behavior and mindset in interpreting everyday life. Someone who is usually used as a role model is a person who has influence, both in the community, organization, company, and family.

So role models can be interpreted as someone who can be an example and role model in various things in everyday life. Based on the Cambridge Dictionary, role models are people who are admired by someone to imitate their habits. There are many people who can be role models and each individual has their respective idol characters according to their views and values held in life.

Anyone may be a role model, but not everyone can be a role model and an example that many people follow. Being a role model is not easy, because they must have the nature and influence that can be imitated to undergo a better person.

For example, such as a leader in government, company, and organization. A role model must be a leader with good character and have a smart mindset and is very strategic to be imitated by its subordinates or followers. To be in a position worthy of being a role model, one of course has experience and has learned a lot.

The role played by the role of the role of the role of the role model is very large because he must set an example and practice good values. All mindsets and actions taken by the role model must provide good views or vision and mission to achieve certain goals.

Role model does not mean being interpreted as a leader position. More than that, role models are people or anyone in him who has a leadership spirit that has a strong influence on many people. So role models don't have to be those who hold positions as leaders.

Someone who is labeled as a role model can come from various fields. For example, in the field of education, many children easily idolize Maudy Ayunda as a woman who excels and has good personality. Another example in the world of journalism, many are fans of Najwa Shihab as a woman who has integrity and high dedication to the world of journalism.

Since childhood we have been asked Who is an idol figure or admired?'. Behind this simple question, there is a purpose of the importance of having role models as role models or examples that must be imitated. The existence of role models plays a role as learning and motivation for a person to be able to pursue or reach a certain point.

Role model also helps a person in determining the purpose of life and knowing the steps that must be taken to achieve success based on their respective versions. Here are some of the highlights of the importance of having a role model in life:

Demikianlah review tentang apa itu role model dan pentingnya dalam kehidupan setiap individu. Role model adalah sosok yang dijadikan sebagai role model, sehingga seseorang bisa menerapkannya untuk menjalani hidup dengan lebih baik dalam berbagai hal. Baca juga leadership skill yang wajib dimiliki setiap orang.

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