VIDEO: The Motivation Is Important, Here Are 6 Reasons People Lie
VIDEO: The Motivation Is Important, Here Are 6 Reasons People Lie. (VOI Video graphics Team)

JAKARTA - Lies, one of the attitudes that all humans may have ever done. This behavior can sometimes become a particular symptom such as personality disorders. What exactly is the reason people lie? Well, this is research from psychologists. Clinical psychologist David J. Ley Ph.D has researched pathological or compulsive lying behavior.

The first reason is considered important to lies. That is, according to them lying for nothing is considered important. Second, people often lie because they try to control the situation and use their influence to get the reaction or decision they want. For lies, the truth is considered troublesome and may not match their narrative. Third, they don't want to disappoint others, then choose to hide the truth. This is because they want you to be impressed, liked and appreciated.

They are worried that the truth will make themselves rejected or humiliated. Fourth, lies are like a snowball. According to Ley, which was reported by Psychology Today on Thursday, January 25, if you lie once, you will lie again and again. Fifth, when we are under pressure, memory of various things cannot be relied on. Sometimes, lies can create a complete alternative world in their head.

When saying something, it often happens because they really believe in the truth. However, their memories may be filled with stress, recent events, and their desire to find ways to successfully overcome certain situations.

Finally, lies may really want their lies to come true so that their needs to say the truth are fulfilled. That is, lies hope they can make things come true of lies they repeatedly say. Watch the video below.

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