Samuel Rizal Remembers The Figure Of The Late Father Who Becomes An Inspiration In Life
Samuel Rizal (Ivan Two Men/VOI)

JAKARTA - Samuel Rizal lost his father, Syachriel Arifin, who died on March 26. About three weeks later, the man who is familiarly called Sammy revealed what his father looked like to the media crew.

Sammy said his father was the most influential figure in his career, both when he was a basketball player and decided to turn into an actor.

"I grew up like I currently have a role from papa. Yes, every parent must teach the good for their children. Taught how to live a good life, useful for many people and don't harm others," said Samuel Rizal when met at Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta last week.

Samuel said his father was a person who always supported decisions taken in his career. The father has never imposed his will on his children.

Sammy then talked about his last moments with his father. Before exhaling his last breath, Samuel, who was shooting, was asked to meet his father immediately.

"Because I was shooting at that time and it was true that my father told me to come, not until half an hour came, papa was gone," he said.

After his father died, Sammy was told by his younger brother that his late father had a advice that had never been notified to his family before.

The younger brother showed his father's advice written in a long text message. According to Sammy seeing the advice, he felt his father was not behaving as usual. The actor also felt his father had known that he was going to die in the near future.

"The contents of the advice, directly say goodbye, continue to be notified of land documents, PIN ATM papa, that's all. It's not just talking about inheritance, but it's a long message, it's not really papa," concluded Samuel Rizal remembering his late father.

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