YOGYAKARTA Calls addicted, often equalized to cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol which cause an intense desire to consume it again. But what about addiction to chocolate, crackers, or usurys? This food subscription, according to professor of psychology in the field of clinical sciences of the University of Michigan, Ashley Gearhardt, Ph.D., reported by the American Psychological Association, Monday, April 17, has a tendency to overeat or consume it comprehensively out of control so that it interferes even with feelings of stress.

One example, when starting certain work that is stressful and stressful, favorite foods help relieve stress. Is this called addictive? Gearhardt tries to develop a food addiction scale at Yale University. Diagnostic criteria are used to refer to food addiction as a dependence on processed foods. From that scale, Gearhardt and his colleagues and research advisors estimate the clinical level of addiction to this food.

The study estimates that 14 percent of adults are remarkable in certain ways. About 90 percent of drinks, but only about 12-14 percent show signs of addiction. In children and adolescents also found around 12 percent showing signs of clinical levels of food addiction.

Obviously Gearhardt is still associated with food addiction, causing problems. The brain is vulnerable, the more exposed to addictive substances, the more likely you are to experience problems. Gearhardt's concern is the exposure of children to addictive content in the food industry. It's not just about ingredients that when consumed the normal portion is said to be safe, but if you are addicted, the intention of eating is excessive. Besides being associated with hedonis, pleasure, and emotional settings from a very young age.

The problem is, if eating emotionally wrongly is understood as an addiction to food, it can cause the body's mass index to be higher, less sensitive to their signal of saturation, greater body percentage, and risky. In the study, it shows that someone who shows a compulsive pattern of addiction intake with processed foods, is at high risk of developing alcohol addiction problems.

The problem underlined by Gearhardt is food addiction, but processed food. If equivalently, a lot of processed food is produced. Even more than natural foods, such as bananas. Well, processed foods if eaten a lot and fast ways of eating, then the effect on the body is poor. The content in these processed foods makes the digestive system work quickly and quickly into the blood system. When addicted, our brain is being captivated in very strong substances, has an impact, and is beneficial so that it makes you lose control in consuming it.

However, food addiction cannot be explained simply, said Gearhardt. Because food is very complicated, but people who consume excessively until they lose control of their intake make their health bad. Addiction or addiction to food is an addictive response to a strong taste. According to Gearhardt, carbohydrates and fats or other safe ingredients do not make them addicted. But it is necessary to regulate emotions so that they are not susceptible to addiction to certain foods.

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