Chronology Of Audi Marissa Being Tricked By 'Shoot' When Buying BLACKPINK Concert Tickets
Audi Marissa (Instagram@audimarissa)

JAKARTA - Fraud under the guise of brokers selling concert tickets makes it restless like what Audi Marissa experienced. He was deceived when he bought a BLACKPINK concert ticket which will be held on March 11 and 12, 2023.

Audi bought the concert ticket via intermediary or broker. Through his Instagram upload, Audi said that he and his friend bought a BLACKPINK concert ticket in the VIP category. They have already paid half the ticket fee.

"So I and @ochi24 have to pay for BLACKPINK VIP tickets. Now Ochi has a friend, his friend has a friend, we buy it in his dizziness or not. Now we pay half first, we don't want to be full until we have a contract that can take him to law and we have to save his ID card data while he selfies," wrote Audi Marissa on Wednesday, March 8.

Even though he already has a contract and seller data, when Audi asked about ticket changes, the perpetrator did not give any news. The audit couldn't stop thinking about the perpetrator's actions.

"Kmrn aku minta dia untuk tukar tiket kan, dan tidak ada kabar. Uddah tahu ini pasti w dipolekan. Bener gedang, pdhl udh menggunakan begitu ini orang masih berani nipu," tuturnya dikutip dari ERA.

In the next upload, Audi shared photos and personal data of the perpetrator. The name of the perpetrator is Nida Rafahdatul Fadiya and was born in 2003, which is still 20 years old.

"Buset boy tahu berani nipu banyak orang. Banyak yang terhit kehitung sama dia ternyata dari 2022. Terus banyak yang ke rumah dia minta pertanggung jawab sampai ortunya ini anak undh tengah mengatakan anaknya memang pembok dikepapun diapain. Bad nggak itu," tuturnya.

Furthermore, Audi said that the perpetrator was not at his house when he was visited, making him quite emotional. He also said that the perpetrator must be found so as not to take other victims.

"And this child is not there at his house, he doesn't know where to go. So it is certain that this child must be looking for. I'm afraid that there are many other victims, right. I'm very emotional," concluded Audi Marissa.

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