Celebrate International Women's Day, Ayu Dewi: Women Must Be Able To Do Many Things
Ayu Dewi (Instagram @mrsayudewi)

March 8 is commemorated by all women as International Women's Day. One of the Indonesian celebrities, Ayu Dewi also expressed her hopes for the many women who also celebrated this special day.

With the celebration of World Women's Day this time, Regi Dukata's wife hopes that all women can be free to express themselves. Despite gender differences, Ayu feels it's time for women to be entitled and dare to fight for what she dreams and dreams of.

"My hope is for all women, hopefully all women in this hemisphere can always be protected and protect themselves and their loved ones and those they want. Because dreams can not only be dreamed of, but have the opportunity to make them happen," said Ayu Dewi to the media crew at Cinere, Depok on Wednesday, March 8, 2023.

Ayu wants to see a woman can realize her entire dreams without colliding with her nature as a woman. She feels that all women must understand their own nature.

By understanding her nature as a woman, many good things will come easily. Ayu gave an example where a woman can be proud of her family, especially as a child and mother.

Through his experience as a wife and mother for his children, Ayu also shared her experience that women must also dare to break the stigmas inherent so far. He saw many things that were previously identical to men's work, now women can do it

"So a woman should not be trapped or constrained by the stigma that women can only a, b and c, but women can break it all down and show that women can do many things. So it's not just men who can," said Ayu Dewi.

"For example, like changing lights, lifting gallons, the roles that can only be done by a father, being an electric man must also understand. So drivers must also be able to, so there are many things women must be able to do," he concluded.

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