YOGYAKARTA The zodiac owner of Libra is a person who was born from September 23 to October 22. One of the traits inherent in the zodiac Libra is being good at throwing seductions that make the opposite sex easy to baper. Besides being smart at menggombal, what are Libra's zodiacal traits?

Compiled by VOI from various sources, here are the zodiac properties of Libra which has air elements:

Apart from being good at throwing seductions, zodiacal owner Libra is known as a supportive figure or easy to get along with. This trait is similar to the zodiacal Aquarius. So it's not surprising that Libra and aquarius are very suitable for a friendship.

Libra really likes to spend time with friends, take a walk, and also talk about many things, both important and relaxed chats.

Another trait attached to the Libra zodiac is an expert in many fields, aka multitalenta. Libra can pursue some expertise at the same time to add to her skills at the same time.

As is known, the zodiac Libra is symbolized by a balance-valued scale. In accordance with its symbol, the zodiac owner of Libra upholds justice.

In Libra's glasses, fair does not mean equal, but according to the portion of each person's needs.

The next zodiacal nature of Libra is to be honest. In any case, both in the school environment and work, they are always honest and just as they are.

In addition, Libra has never brought down anyone else and does not want to pretend to do something disliked.

Libra can be a good couple and a true friend. The reason is, Libra is a person who is very concerned about his partner.

Not only in the form of action, attention from it can be through sweet words. They can always give praise, support, and also enthusiasm for those around them.

Libra always thinks positively when dealing with severe problems. In addition, libra never felt that her name was overthinking like any other zodiac.

For Libra, attitude or attitude is something that must be maintained. They are very polite and polite to others.

For example, if you have Libra's boyfriend, they won't take you away without asking permission from your parents.

Libra is very suitable to be used as a friend to vent because they are good listeners. When Libra listens to the outpouring of the heart, he won't cut the conversation, they listen carefully until it's finished.

Libra is very easy to touch with the condition of others. This makes it very easy for them to reach out to others.

Libra does not hesitate to give some money to help others. Even though they have a generous nature, they don't like their kindness to be known by others. That's why he likes to do it secretly.

Colonial owners of Libra never run out of ideas, so they always try to make works out of things around them both for themselves and others.

For Libra, honing ideas and becoming a creative person must be done as often as possible so that his creativity continues to be honed.

That's information about the zodiacal nature of Libra. Are you one of them?

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