YOGYAKARTA - Hot bathing is a fun body clean activity. Usually people will take a warm bath in the morning, evening, or after the rain. But there is a danger of taking a warm bath for men.

Hot bathing is indeed an alternative to avoiding the cold. In addition, this activity also has good benefits for the health of the body and mind. But behind that, bathing in warm water can have a negative impact on the body, especially for men who take too long to take a warm bath.

Many are not aware that a warm bath can be dangerous for the health of a man's fertility. Hot baths for a long duration can result in a decrease in sperm number.

To avoid these adverse effects, men are advised to shower more often with cold water than hot water. Men's thesis requires an ideal temperature of around 34.5 degrees Celsius to be able to produce healthy sperm.

The thesis is sensitive to hot temperatures. That's why hot water used for bathing or bathing can make sperm' quality worse. In addition, overheating temperatures can damage and lower sperm movement towards egg cells. Under these conditions, sperm development becomes slow.

Although it can make the mind relax, warm baths can interfere with pregnancy programs. Prospective parents who are undergoing promil are advised not to wash frequently using warm or hot water. Especially if a man is diagnosed with small or low sperm production.

In addition, pregnant women are also advised not to often do warm baths or warm baths. Although this statement cannot be scientifically proven. Hot baths can increase body temperature. Increasing body temperature in the early days of pregnancy can increase the risk of nerve tube defects.

Hot bathing is also not recommended after having sex. This activity is thought to have hampered the process of gestational conception. Ari, who enters the vagina, can interfere with the movement of sperm towards the tuba polopi. Sperma takes 45 minutes to 12 hours to move into the tuba philosophy.

In addition to influencing male fertility, a warm bath can also have various other negative impacts. Here are the bad effects of taking a warm bath too often.

Hot baths can make the skin dry, rough, dehydrated, and irritated. Hot water can damage keratin cells located on the outermost layer of epidermis skin. In addition, hot water can also erode the fat or sebum and oil needed to maintain skin health.

Just like the previous skin problem, a hot bath can also remove oil from the skin of the head. This condition will cause inflammation and inhibit hair growth.

Likewise, when you are using shampoo and conditioner. Heat water will prevent the two fluids from fully deleting. This will affect the quality and texture of the hair.

Hot showers also cause blood pressure to increase. This activity can worsen the condition of a person who has high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease.

That's an explanation of the dangers of taking a warm bath for men because it has an impact on fertility levels. You should take a warm bath once or twice a week. The ideal warm water temperature is in the range of 37 degrees Celsius.

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