Have Double Chin, Here's The Tip To Make A More Obtrusive Dagu View
Illustration (Thirdman / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Most double cats or chins are formed due to the buildup of fat under the chin. However, the cause of doublechin is not only that. Doublechins can also appear even if there is no fat hoarding. Degenitation or genetics and decreased skin elasticity can also be the reason why double cats can appear on your chin.

Even so, don't panic and be afraid if you feel your appearance is not optimal. Because there are special tips that you can do to make your chin more thin. Launch Smart Answers, Tuesday, December 13, here are the tips.

Push your head back and look at the ceiling. Then move your lower jaw forward to feel the stretched under your chin. Hold this position for 10 seconds. After that, try to relax and return your face to normal position.

In this exercise, place a 9 to 10 inches softball under your chin. With the softball, press your chin towards the ball 20 to 25 times. Its function is to shrink the lower area of the chin. Do this exercise 3 times a week to get effective results.

In a normal position, stretch your tongue as far as possible. After that, try to touch your nose with your tongue and stay in this position for 10 seconds. This tightening of the tongue or acting also functions to increase the strength of the lips, tongue, and jaw.

Keep your head in the same position as the first exercise and touch your tongue on the ceiling of your mouth. Try holding this position for 5 to 10 seconds and release it. This movement will help you tighten the skin around your neck.

Turn your head back and look at the ceiling. Then turn your head to the right. Now slide your lower jaw forward and hold for 10 seconds. Similarly, repeat in the other direction.

Some people have doublechins due to weight gain. In this case, losing too much weight can help reduce double wheels and help you tighten your neck skin. Commit to consume healthy foods and exercise regularly to lose weight.

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