After the pandemic, the quality of life of the Indonesian people is different. The public must be more sensitive to the importance of maintaining health, both the body and mind, so that Indonesia can rise and achieve its long-term goals, namely jointly protecting the younger generation until the 2045 Golden Generation is achieved.

"In the transition period to this endemic, we still need to be wise and alert to various possibilities that can occur in the future. It should not be reckless and too hasty in attitude, so as to forget the importance of a clean and healthy lifestyle, which is accompanied by health protocols," said dr. Abi Noya, as Medical Content Marketing Senior Manager Alodokter.

Here are 5 steps that can be taken to keep people healthy and productive:

1. Be wise to regulate the intake of nutrients

In an instantaneous era, like now, we need to sort out the intake of nutrients that enter the body as well as possible. The Indonesian Ministry of Health recommends limiting sugar intake to no more than 4 tablespoons or 50 grams/people/day, 1 tablespoon of salt or 5 grams/people/day, and 5 tablespoons of fat or 67 grams/people/day.

Thus, various health risks, such as hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol, can be prevented. Of course, it is also recommended to maintain a balanced intake of healthy nutrients and drink water, at least 8-10 glasses per day.

2. Regular Exercise Although you often hear suggestions about this one step, there are still many people who underestimate it, even are reluctant to do it. In fact, in addition to applying a nutritious diet, exercising regularly is very important to do. More than making the body active and fit, exercising can also maintain smooth blood flow, preventing various disease risks, even reducing stress.

Do not have to exercise hard, routinely carry out physical activities lightly, such as taking a leisurely walk, jogging, or cycling, at least 30 minutes per day or the equivalent of 150 minutes per week, is enough to support the health and body productivity.

3. Managing Stress With Good Excessive Stres can trigger the release of the hormone cortisol which can disrupt lymphocyte production, which is part of white blood cells that play an important role in immunity. Therefore, it is also important for us to find ways to manage stress well, for example by doing breathing exercises, meditation, arranging priority scales, and sharing complaints with people who can be trusted, if necessary, with professional staff, such as psychologists or psychiatrists. In addition, it can also take advantage of telemedicine services to consult directly via chat with psychologists and psychiatrists, as is available in Alodokter.

4. Adequate Rest One of the most important steps to maintain health and productivity is to get enough rest. Sufficient rest can give the body enough time to restore energy, refresh mind, strengthen memory, improve concentration skills, and support the performance of the immune system. Therefore, get enough rest with a minimum sleep of 7-9 hours each night.

5. Prepare Vitamins and Medicines Guana supports the various efforts that have been previously conveyed, it is important for us to prepare vitamins, supplements, and medicines that may be needed as prevention efforts, as well as first aid.

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