Past Nostalgia, Help Builds Self-confidence
Nostalgia illustration helps build self-confidence (Freepik/wayhomestudio)

YOGYAKARTA - Memories about the past, often creates a nostalgic atmosphere. On the other hand, memories of better times can support a sense of self-esteem and overall mental view. According to counselors and professors at Northern Illinois University,tender Degges-White, Ph.D., nostalgia can help brake when experiencing scary days and moving fast.

To feel safe, sometimes we need something from the past. In addition to knowledge and always learning from the past, a moment where everything in life seems calm and safe is quite helpful.

Citing Psychology Today, Sunday, November 13, when we think of previous moments in life, we engage with nostalgia, which can be described as an emotionally rich appreciation for previous times, events, or relationships that have positive and happy associations.

For example, when you remember being cared for by your parents or loving caregivers, you may feel the same sense of security and warmth you felt many years ago, at the moment, at the moment. When you remember that positive relationship and space for satisfaction or joy, you may feel the same physical warmth in your heart that spreads throughout your body, and you may even realize that you are smiling now moment recalled at that time.

Feelings connected to this past can give you an inner push that allows you to handle the challenges or loneliness you feel better today. We feel more resilient when we feel safe and connected to other people.

Nostalgia has a "super power" to help us feel better about "now" by connecting us with positive feelings from "last". Nostalgia can help us feel better about ourselves and better control the current situation if we can channel that positivity into real action or a re-framed mindset about the present.

Even though it feels bitter given the happy and successful times of the past, especially when faced with loneliness or failure, research shows that this memory is transformative: we feel better able to deal with stressful situations when we have positive memories to support and support us.

Nostalgia can be used as a shield against mental health disorders, and how to use nostalgia as a tool to support adaptive psychological functions. By using past positive memories as a means, it has the potential to increase self-esteem. When viewed thoroughly, even nostalgia can build our trust in managing current conditions.

Pada pandangan yang lain, momen akrab kembali dengan masa yang positif, disebut momen Zen yang berguna untuk mendalam penikmatian peristiwa tersebut. Dengan begitu, kita akan lebih menghargai hubungan yang dimiliki dan tempat yang menjadi bagian dari peristiwa tersebut.

But it's important to build boundaries in reminiscing the past. Degges-White's message, don't give up on memory and discuss it not 'what it is'. The key, nostalgia of the past is beneficial if it is only limited to preparing us for the present. If more than that, it can make us regret the choices and fall into negative effects.

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