JAKARTA - Senior actress Lydia Kandou has been separated from Jamal Mirdad since 2013. For 9 years, Lydia has never shown closeness with other men until relations with David Sumatran have been revealed to the public since early 2022.

The more confident she is with her relationship with David Sumdebek, Lydia Kandou shares the moment the two are at Penataran Agung Lempuyang Temple, Karangasem, Bali.

The moment was uploaded by Lydia on her Instagram account. 2 hours + queue 3 hours + home 2 hours.. a total of 7 hours for this photo. But happy.. tank you @david.sum deposit," wrote Lydia in the caption of her upload.

Lydia Kandou's daughter, Naysilla Mirdad, also seemed to comment on her mother's upload. "Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Oh my goodness, mom," wrote Naysilla.

Besides Naysilla Mirdad, several Indonesian actresses were also seen commenting on Lydia's photo with her boyfriend. ACtris Dini Savitri was seen giving an icon emot in her comments.

Then Asri Welas also commented and considered his senior relationship with his girlfriend as adorable.

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