Bumil Must Know! This Is A Time To Be Prohibited From Transportation When Pregnant
Illustration (Unsplash/Suhyeon Choi)

YOGYAKARTA Some women may be worried about having sex when pregnant due to allegations of being forbidden from having sex while pregnant.

In fact, women who are pregnant can still have sex with their partners.

Making love will not affect the fetus in the womb, provided that the mother does not experience complications, such as a history of premature childbirth or placenta problems.

You can get rid of the worry of having sex while pregnant because the fetus is protected by fluid in your uterus and strong uterus muscles. However, there are some times and conditions where the sex session should be postponed for safety reasons.

When is time prohibited from connecting while pregnant? Originally, when it was forbidden to make love while pregnant there was actually none, as long as the pregnancy was fine.

However, having sex in the first trimester is thought to increase the risk of miscarriage in risky pregnancies, as quoted by VOI from SehatQ.

Not only that, the doctor also advised not to make love in the last weeks of pregnancy. This is because the hormone prostaglandin in sperm can stimulate contraction, unless you have passed the dues of childbirth, and want to do natural induction.

Even so, some other experts argue that the above argument is just theory and sex activities will not trigger childbirth.

So that you are not confused, ask the doctor about the safety of having sex while pregnant.

If the doctor says it's safe, you can try several sex positions while pregnant, such as woman on top or lying on your side with your partner at the back. This position can minimize pressure on the stomach.

Whereas in the second trimester, it is considered the right time to make love, especially if you have a healthy pregnancy.

In the second trimester, symptoms of pregnancy in the first trimester have decreased and the sex drive of pregnant women has increased. However, this condition is not experienced by all pregnant women. Some of them experienced a decrease in libido.

If pregnant women experience certain conditions that can cause miscarriage, the doctor may suggest pregnant women not to have sex during pregnancy.

In addition, pregnant women must also avoid having sex if they have one of the following risk factors:

Pregnancy can make pregnant women lose sexual desire. But that's a common thing.

If sexual arousal decreases, you can still do various other forms of intimacy with your partner, such as hugging, kissing, or massaging.

Pregnant hormones can make the vagina dryer, so that blood vessels in the intimate organs are easier to break. This situation also makes sex uncomfortable and has the potential to cause irritation of the vagina.

Here are some things to watch out for during sex during pregnancy:

If these symptoms appear after sexual intercourse, immediately go to an obstetrician for proper treatment.

That is information about time prohibited from having sex while pregnant. May it be useful!

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