YOGYAKARTA – Social networking is needed from childhood to adulthood. In living life, making friends is related to self-development and enjoying life more. Healthy friendships, according to Suzanne Degges-White, Ph.D., licensed counselor and professor at Northern Illinois University, are closely related to physical well-being, longevity, and mental health.

Humans as social creatures, absorb healthy friendships in a positive aspect. Even getting a support system from friendship can help us overcome life's challenges. Besides this, here are the positive benefits of healthy friendships.

1. Love and respect yourself more

A healthy group of people will respect boundaries in their relationship. Although helping friends to meet emotional needs, but solid friends do not step over the line. You even have to make choices that don't harm yourself. That way, you will love and respect yourself more.

2. Get honest and open feedback

Manipulative people certainly do not give honestly and openly because they are oriented to personal gain. If you have friends who provide honest, open, and non-judgmental opinions, then maintain a healthy friendship.

pertemanan yang sehat
Healthy friendship illustration (Freepik)
3. Attention is two-way

Everyone has different personalities and traits. Of course, this diversity makes friendship relations more colorful. Even as clumsy as a friend, he unconsciously has a commitment so that he pays attention to his other friends. Well, this is one of the positive things that can be obtained from healthy friendships.

4. Have support when facing difficult times

As strong as humans are, they still need emotional support when facing difficult times. Reported by Psychology Today, Monday, May 23, when you have healthy friendships, you can get emotional support. Emotional bonds in friendship, also related to closeness and commitment.

5. Laugh more

Many studies prove that laughter is not only healthy mentally, but also physically. Having a friend you're fun to laugh with will give you the positives.

That's what you get when you have a solid and conflict-free friendship. To maintain healthy friendships, you need to maintain communication with your friends. Make them a priority after completing the top priority.

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