JAKARTA - Doddy Sudrajat's efforts to move Vanessa Angel's grave appear to be unfinished. Recently he made a statement that he would realize the plan after being delayed.

He even met the caretaker of the graves of Vanessa Angel and Aunt Ardiansyah. Previously, Doddy said that Vanessa had spoken about wanting to be buried next to her mother.

H. Faisal as Vanessa's father-in-law and Aunt Ardiansyah's father had heard of this. Doddy is reported to have contacted Vanessa's grave administrator.

"For me, it's the right way. You have to talk to the grave administrator," said H. Faisal, as quoted by Celebrity OnCam.

"As far as I know it's not that easy. The thing is, if I'm not mistaken, I once asked, he said, the relocation of the tomb follows local government regulations," he said.

Reportedly, local government regulations require the transfer of tombs to be carried out after 1-3 years. H. Faisal also confirmed this statement.

"Yes, I think so. I have to follow the local government rules, yes or no. To build a tomb, you must have a permit,” said H. Faisal.

However, H. Faisal admitted that he could not do anything. He can only surrender if Doddy Sudrajat is determined to move his son's grave.

"What can I say. If it violates the law, I will try to defend it," said H. Faisal.

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