JAKARTA - Indra Kenz was officially named a suspect by the police after being involved in binary options. He was caught in the midst of his popularity as crazy rich. As a result, some of Indra's closest people were also dragged away.

Indra Kenz's ex-fiance, Susyen Regina, spoke up about her relationship with the suspect. He admitted that he was a figure who accompanied Indra before he became crazy rich as he is today.

"Yes, it's true, it's with me. It fits me again," said Susyen Regina in the Rumpi: No Secret program.

Susyen was beside Indra Kenz when he auditioned for a competition show until he fell victim to a fraudulent investment. When Indra Kenz's financial condition began to improve, in November 2020, Indra Kenz ended their relationship.

"What if you were asked why he broke up, he was confused. Yesterday he suddenly changed. His position in Jakarta was to buy a car. Coming home from Jakarta, it changed a lot. Then they broke up," explained Susyen.

"Actually, there was a question. He said it from the class he taught. I only knew that," he added.

When she found out that Indra Kenz was a trading suspect, Susyen Regina was concerned. He has also ended his relationship with Indra Kenz. Now, Indra Kenz is engaged to Vanessa Khong.

"I'm surprised. I'm sorry, I'm sorry," said Susyen Regina.

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