How To Pay For Lack Of Tax Payment On SPT
Tax illustration (Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA People are advised to know how to pay less taxes on SPT and what does it mean that SPT's status is underpaid. This is because several taxpayers receive proof of receiving Annual Notification Reports (SPT) with a status statement 'Reduced Payment'.

This status is quite confusing for several taxpayers, there is even an assumption that the filling in of the SPT has made a mistake. Usually, this kind of incident is experienced by taxpayers with employee status at two or more employers at the time of one tax year.

As explained earlier, tax underpayment status in SPT usually occurs in taxpayers who in one year (January to December) move to several companies. Or it can also be experienced by taxpayers who have more than one proof of cutting income taxes.

In the official website of, the cause of the appearance of the 'less pay' status in the SPT report is due to the calculation of Non-Taxable Income (PTKP) that occurs more than once, namely when each tax payer makes cuts.

On the other hand, each taxpayer in calculating income tax (PPh) can only take into account PTKP once.

When a taxpayer has other income from a different employer, it has nothing to do with the income paid by the first employer so that each cut stands alone.

If the SPT of private taxpayers (WP OP) is 'less paid', they are advised to immediately pay off payments in the following way, quoted from the official Instagram DGT @DitjenPajakRI.

It should be noted that when there is a tax lack of payment, taxpayers are required to pay the shortfall first. If the shortfall has not been paid, sanctions will be increased both in administration and in debt.

Taxpayers (WP) who do not pay taxes will be subject to sanctions in the form of administration to criminal. Administrative sanctions such as fines, imposition of interest, and an increase in the number of taxpayers. while criminal sanctions can be in the form of imprisonment.

In addition to how to pay off less taxes, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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