KAI Provides Transportation For Survivors, Evacuates To Nearest Station
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) said that so far there have been no casualties on passengers.

Of the total 287 passengers of the Turangga train and 191 passengers in the Greater Bandung Commuterline Train, there were about 22 passengers who were slightly injured and had been taken to the nearest hospital for treatment.

"The passengers who survived and had been evacuated were immediately taken to the nearest station to continue their journey using the transportation KAI provides," said KAI EVP of Corporate Secretary Raden Agus Dwinanto Budiadji in a written statement, Friday, January 5.

Raden Agus said that currently his party together with the TNI/Polri, Basarnas, DJKA Kemenhub, KNKT, and other parties were making efforts to deal with the accidents of the two trains.

"To overcome the journey of a number of other train series that will cross the route, KAI is currently making efforts to engineer operating patterns in the form of rotating roads and diversion using other transportation," he added.

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