ASEAN Is Considered To Need To Change The Trading Model
ASEAN (Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - Economic observer from the University of Jember Adhitya Wardhono, PhD said that ASEAN needs to prioritize changing trade models in Southeast Asia and partners in other regions.

"It is necessary to shift the old commodity-based trading model into high-quality technology and services, so that new sources of economic revenue are created that are more sustainable and profitable," said Adhitya Wardhono in a written statement received in Jember, Saturday.

According to him, this is reflected in the recklessness in improving connectivity and the quality of human development through trade facilitation, digitalization, finance, food, and energy.

"If these elements are successfully implemented, they can increase the value and competitiveness of the ASEAN economy, especially in the field of service procurement and tourism," he said.

Through increasing connectivity and improvement in these various aspects, he continued, it is certain to create a more dynamic feel of ASEAN's economy and be able to complement the needs of its members and other economic blocks through the procurement of intangible products.

He explained that ASEAN as the growth epicenter seems not just a game because in the midst of global geopolitical conditions and tensions that are not doing well, ASEAN is proven to be still able to maintain its neutral position and is one of the areas with the most stable economic climate.

"This condition is reflected in ASEAN's efforts to maintain the spiritual atmosphere of its members and aggressively carry out diplomacy to resolve conflicts and collaborate with various outside economic regions," he said.

The Unej Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) lecturer said the ASEAN Summit in Jakarta was not only attended by ASEAN member countries, but nine other partner countries, including the United States and China, because the two countries are strategic partners for ASEAN.

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