JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Tofu Tempe Producers Cooperatives (Gakoptindo) revealed that the supply of soybeans for tofu and tempe craftsmen is in a safe condition. Even enough until the end of the year. However, the problem is that the price is still high. "The soybean stock is safe until the end of the year. So if you only say that only 7 days are wrong," said Gakoptindo Chairman Aip Syarifuddin, Tuesday, October 31. Currently, said Aip, tofu and tempe craftsmen are experiencing difficulties due to the increase in soybean prices. He said, the price of soybeans was Rp. 8,500 per kilogram (kg) in December 2021 and is currently Rp. 14,000 per kg. "We are having difficulties as the price of soybeans continues to rise. The increase is more than 60 percent, the increase in tempeh is to know that it is not possible to be 60 percent," he said.

Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan suggested that the value of soybean subsidies be increased from Rp1,000 to Rp2,000 per kilogram (kg). The addition of subsidy value is based on a surge in soybean prices in the country. Zulhas, as Zulkifli Hasan is familiarly called, also invited the local government to help provide subsidies for this imported food commodity, which has reached Rp13,000 per kg. Furthermore, Zulhas asked local governments to optimize 2 percent of general transfer funds and unexpected expenditure budgets (BTT) for handling the impact of inflation, one of which can be used for food price subsidies. So that food prices in the community remain affordable.

"I think if the price is too high, the central government will now (subsidize) 1,000, the local government can Rp1,000 to Rp2,000. So (the price of soybeans) can be Rp. 11,000. If possible (the value of subsidies) will increase again, we will see later whether the central government can (subsidized) Rp. 2,000, what will the regions be," he told reporters, Sunday, October 30. Zulhas said, the addition of this subsidy value was needed in line with the weakening of the value of the rupiah currency. Because, the weakening of the rupiah will have an impact on soybean prices. Considering that 99 percent of this commodity is an imported product. "If (subsidized) IDR 1,000, it doesn't kick it," he said.

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