MEDAN - North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Panca Putra Simanjuntak has removed the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Serdang Bedagai Police (Sergai) AKP DIL from his position. His removal was carried out as a result of his alleged affair with a female police officer (Polwan).

"If (the person) is dating. But he already has a wife," said Inspector General Panca, Tuesday, October 26.

This affair was revealed and has been reported by the wife of AKP DIL to the Propam Division of the North Sumatra Police. Currently, this alleged adultery case is being processed and an investigation is being carried out.

"And we have processed this (Propam Sector)," he said.

"We have withdrawn the person concerned (not serving as Kasat)," said Panca regarding the DIL AKP.

From the information gathered, the reporter for AKP DIL is his wife. DIL is suspected of having an affair with a policewoman with the rank of Ipda.

In addition, the North Sumatra Police Chief previously also removed the Head of the Sector Police and the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of Kutalimbaru, Deli Serdang. The dismissal is related to the case of two police officers molesting the wife of a drug prisoner.

"Last night I removed the person concerned, including the police chief and the investigator," said Inspector General Panca.

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