JAKARTA - The inaugural opening of Subway Indonesia at Cilandak Town Square (Citos) South Jakarta caused a crowd in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Even the outlets were temporarily closed because visitors exceeded the quota.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit (Kasatpol PP), Arifin, said that his party had gone to the field to see the situation firsthand. He said, South Jakarta Satpol PP went to the field.

"A member (South Jakarta Satpol PP) has been assigned to check on Citos. Now it is being checked at the location, just wait for news," said Arifin to the media crew, Jakarta, Friday, October 15.

However, Arifin has not been able to tell the current conditions in the field. He said the team that was sent to the field had not provided any information. "Just wait for the report," he said.

Likewise, regarding the possibility that his party will impose sanctions on Subway Sandwich, Arifin has not been able to answer. Because, at this time the team in the field is still conducting inspections.

"We don't know what the results will be yet, we already know the sanctions," said Arifin.

However, said Arifin, if during the examination a violation of health protocols is found, then his party will not hesitate to impose sanctions. Of course the sanctions are in accordance with existing regulations.

"The sanctions are as regulated in the Pergub and Perda," said Arifin closing.

As is known, Subway Sandwich, which has been missing for 20 years in Indonesia, seems to have received high enthusiasm from the public. Many people who want to enjoy this food.

However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Subway has to limit the number of visitors. Even so, there was still a crowd going on.

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