BANDA ACEH - The Banda Aceh City Government has again extended the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) level 4 until 20 September. The Banda Aceh Regency Government has imposed a new rule prohibiting children under 12 years from entering malls.

"It has been extended again, not much different from the previous one, only minors cannot be brought to the mall," said Head of Public Relations of the Banda Aceh Government, Said Fauzan, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 14.

The PPKM extension has been determined by the Banda Aceh Government through the Mayor's Instruction Number 15 of 2021 concerning the Extension of PPKM level 4 COVID-19.

Said said, the rules in the latest PPKM level 4 are also not much different from before, most of the points are still the same.

Where, said Said, eating/drinking at business places such as cafes or restaurants can only accommodate visitors as much as 50 percent of the room's capacity.

Regarding operations, Said said, it was limited to 23.00 WIB with the implementation of strict health protocols, namely wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance.

The operational provisions also apply to supermarkets and supermarkets that sell daily necessities or the like. However, shopping centers such as malls must also use the PeduliLindung application.

"Forming a supervisory team for the implementation of the COVID-19 health protocol, it is mandatory to use the PeduliLindung application to screen all visitors and employees," said Said.

Not only that, continued Said, the Mayor's instructions also stated that underage and elderly visitors were not allowed to visit the mall.

"Under 12 years old and above 70 years old are prohibited from entering malls, and children's playgrounds, entertainment venues in shopping centers/malls/trade centers are closed," he said.

Furthermore, Said also said that according to the Mayor's Instructions, the implementation of worship in mosques, prayer rooms, churches, temples and monasteries as well as other places of worship can still be carried out with stricter implementation of health protocols until the area in question is declared safe by the government.

"Especially for mosques, prayer rooms and other Muslim places of worship, it is guided by the Taushiyah of the Aceh Ulama Consultative Council (MPU) Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Worship and Religious Social Activities in Emergency Conditions," said Said Fauzan.

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