JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Commission (Komnas) for Child Protection said it was concerned about the lively welcome of Saipul Jamil from the Cipinang Prison. Chairman of the National Commission for Child Protection, Arist Merdeka Sirait, said the celebration of Saipul Jamil's release was like welcoming a hero. In fact, Saipul Jamil is a child sex offender.

Arist also asked the public to boycott all forms of broadcasts about Saipul Jamil. According to him, it was inappropriate and hurt the victim of Saipul Jamil.

"I ask the public to boycott all shows related to SaiPul Jamil. We ask people to turn off the TV every day when they see Saipul Jamil broadcasts," Arist told VOI, Monday, September 6.

Not only that, Arist will create a petition for the public regarding the response to the child's predator.

"We respond to the victim's family, because two days ago the victim called me disappointed (Saipul Jamil's reception was excessive). We made a petition for people who like and dislike Saipul Jamil regarding the incident, what if it happened to us, "Arist said.

Furthermore, Arist will write to Kominfo and create a petition to address Saipul Jamil.

"We ask all TV stations not to give Saipul Jamil the opportunity to fill the programs offered, because it does not educate and hurt the victim's heart," he concluded.

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