JAKARTA - Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) Bobby Adhityo Rizaldy assessed that the request of the Taliban through his spokesman Suhail Shaheen for the Indonesian government to play an active role in creating peace and development in Afghanistan should be welcomed.

"Indonesia must welcome all peace efforts there and play an active role", Bobby said when contacted, Thursday, September 2.

However, the Golkar Party politician reminded that Indonesia must act according to its main interests as conveyed by the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi when meeting representatives of the Taliban in Doha, Qatar, some time ago.

"The main thing is not to make Afghanistan a breeding ground for international terrorist networks", said Bobby.

Previously, the Indonesians stated that they had met representatives of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, mentioned last Thursday, August 27, 2021, held the meeting at the Taliban Political Bureau office in the capital city of Doha, Qatar.

In the closed meeting, Foreign Minister Retno conveyed three hopes of the Indonesian government for the new government of Afghanistan. Namely inclusive governance, respect for women's rights, and ensuring Afghanistan does not become a hotbed of terrorists.

The meeting came eleven days after the Taliban seized control of the capital Kabul and five days before the deadline for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. Retno did not mention who the Taliban officials she met in Doha were.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Teuku Faizasyah, explained that the Indonesian government would not be in a hurry to recognize the Taliban government in Afghanistan and would continue to follow developments in the ongoing internal processes in the Central Asian country.

"Are they able to build one government or an inclusive political system? The three things that the Foreign Minister (Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi) said are important notes for Indonesia and I'm sure many countries also have the same view. So we hope these things can be achieved because it will create more promising conditions for Afghanistan's development from now on and in the future", said Faizasyah, Sunday, August 29.

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