MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution received assistance with garbage transportation vehicles and water sprinkling. This assistance was provided by the Indonesian Bethel Church in Medan Plaza.

Pemko Medan received 2 motorized tricycles to transport water and 3 motorized tricycles to transport garbage.

"Of course, this assistance will greatly help facilitate the performance of the maintenance officers of Medan's public infrastructure and facilities in realizing cleanliness in the city of Medan," said Bobby Nasution, Wednesday, August 18.

"The Medan City Government is very grateful for the assistance provided by GBI Medan Plaza, which of course will be very beneficial for the people of the city of Medan," he continued.

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution (personal Instagram DOK)

Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution previously often reminded his residents to throw their garbage in its place, not in rivers or in ditches. This is to support efforts to normalize rivers and drainage in Medan City.

"Disposal of trash is a problem that is often a topic of conversation. Education and socialization are one way to make the river normalization and drainage program a success so that flood problems can be quickly resolved," Bobby said some time ago.

With the support and cooperation of the community not to litter, he said, in addition to supporting the river normalization program, it also has a good impact on the community. That is, with the normal flow of the river, flooding will not occur.

"Of course this requires support and action from the entire community of Medan City, by collaborating from all parties, let's stop littering and keep the drainage and rivers clean." said Kahiyang Ayu's husband.

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