JAKARTA - The critical attitude of the PDIP DPP chairman and DPR chairman Puan Maharani was followed by two of his fellow party colleagues in the government. Two PDI-P legislators criticized President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan regarding the handling of COVID-19.

Responding to the PDIP which has become increasingly critical in recent times, the government's opposition party, PKS, is pleased that PDIP's criticism is healthy for democracy in the country. “PKS is happy that more and more people are critical of the government, it actually makes our democracy healthy. Keeping the government can not be alone. So PKS is happy with the criticism from PDIP friends," said PKS DPP chairman Mardani Ali Sera, Wednesday, August 4. The criticism came from Effendi Simbolon and Masinton Pasaribu. Effendi is a member of Commission I of the DPR RI and Masinton is a member of Commission VI of the DPR, both of whom are from the electoral district or electoral district of DKI Jakarta. According to him, the government should consider this criticism as an input from the legislature that carries out a supervisory function. "Good. The DPR has a control function. And what the PDIP friends have said has a basis. Think of it as input from the legislature to the executive," he explained.

However, the DKI Jakarta legislator is reluctant to comment further on the criticism of the people's representatives from the PDIP if it is related to support for the government.

"I am Husnuzan, I think well, in the supervisory function." said Mardani. Previously, PDIP politician Effendi Simbolon blamed President Jokowi for not implementing a lockdown since the beginning of the pandemic. In this case, Effendi responded to a statement by an epidemiologist from the University of Indonesia, Pandu Riono, who said that Indonesia was heading for a pandemic trap.

"The government from the start did not use the reference according to the Quarantine Law, where we should have entered the lockdown phase. But we used the terminology of PSBB to PPKM. Maybe at the beginning we considered the availability of financial support and also economic problems. In the end what happened was more expensive the actual cost, the PSBB is also more than Rp 1,000 trillion, yes in 2020," Effendi told reporters, Saturday, July 31.

"The president didn't obey the constitution. If he obeyed from the beginning of the lockdown, the consequence would be that he spent it. Only Rp. 1 million times 70 is still Rp. 70 trillion. For 10 months, it is still Rp. 700 trillion. run. It's still much more effective than a vaccine," continued the representative from the DKI III electoral district.

Besides Effendi, Masinton Pasaribu, who is now a member of Commission VI, highlighted the performance of Jokowi's aides who acted ceremoniously and tended to underestimate COVID-19. He highlighted one of Luhut's statements which said that Corona was under control but the next day there was a spike in cases.

"It is this ceremonial way of thinking and acting that has become the trademark of most of our officials. And to simplify the problem, today they say it is under control, the day after tomorrow there will be a drastic spike in COVID cases in Jakarta and Java," said Masinton, Monday, 2 August.

Masinton again mentioned Luhut as the coordinator of the COVID-19 response. He argues, apart from being too reactionary in responding to criticism, the Corona condition in Indonesia soared when Luhut handled it.

"There is a coordinating minister who has been appointed as a coordinator in handling COVID in several provinces and coordinates the implementation of PPKM, in fact the result is that in some coordinated provinces there has been a spike and medical facilities for treatment are not ready. Ignoring the mitigation work on COVID-19 and being too reactionary in responding to criticism and input from the public , chattering alone there is no solution," he said.

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