JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Vaccination of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, said that the vaccine provides effective protection for COVID-19 patients from the risk of death. to train our immune system," said Siti Nadia Tarmizi during a virtual presence at the Productive Spirit Dialogue event which was monitored from Jakarta, Tuesday, July 28 evening, reported by Antara. -July 2021, said Nadia, the protective effect of the vaccine on COVID-19 patients who have received the full dose of vaccination can protect 73 percent from the risk of death when compared to people who have not received the vaccine. percent of these recovered, and of the 96 percent who received full-dose vaccines, the hood is 100 percent healed. Those who have not been vaccinated at all are only 84 percent who have recovered," he said. Nadia said the vaccines currently available are still very effective against all virus variants or mutations, including the Delta virus which has caused a spike in cases in the last three weeks in Indonesia. Currently, there is no scientific evidence or medical journals that say certain types of vaccines are no longer effective against COVID-19," he said.

One of the health journals in the UK, said Nadia, two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine are still effective in preventing the risk of hospitalization due to the Delta variant. "It is specific even for the variant, it can reach up to 92 percent, there are even no deaths due to those vaccinated with AstraZeneca," he said. According to Nadia, reports from several hospitals also stated that with two complete doses of Sinovac vaccine, it could reduce the rate of virus transmission to with 94 percent, preventing hospitalization by 96 percent and avoiding death by 98 percent. "This vaccine is still very effective in providing our protection, including against the Delta variant which is more contagious and can increase the severity," he said. the vaccine does not 100 percent make a person immune to COVID-19, because the working principle of the vaccine is to train the immune system of the beneficiaries.

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