JAKARTA - Epidemiologist from the University of Indonesia, Pandu Riono regretted the government's attitude through the Ministry of SOEs (BUMN) to open a paid vaccination service for individuals.

The BUMN said this independent vaccination was carried out to accelerate the target of communal immunity or herd immunity from COVID-19. Pandu views there is another reason, namely wanting to make a profit by selling vaccines.

"Just say that you're selling vaccines, don't drag herd immunity into this.... the hidden motivation behind mutual cooperation is to sell vaccines, not to help control the pandemic. There's no need to lie to @KemenBUMN", said Pandu, quoted from the Twitter account @drpriono1, Sunday, July 11.

Pandu views that the paid vaccine which is included in the Mutual Cooperation (VGR) vaccination program should not be carried out. Because, according to him, vaccines are support for public health, not products that are traded.

"The vaccine is a public health good, not a commercial product", he said.

It is known that the state-owned company PT Kimia Farma has opened a paid vaccination service for individuals. The Special Staff (Staffsus) of the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, Arya Sinulingga, explained the reason why PT Kimia Farma provided paid COVID-19 vaccine services for individuals.

Arya said that the independent vaccination included in the Gotong Royong (Mutual Cooperation) vaccination program was carried out in order to accelerate the target of herd immunity as much as 70 percent of Indonesian people have been vaccinated.

"This is part of the steps so that vaccination can be carried out and completed quickly. Our target is to achieve herd immunity", said Arya.

Arya emphasized that the existence of this paid vaccination facility does not mean that it will shift the national vaccination program which is free or does not impose costs on the community. This paid vaccine, he said, is an option.

"Our goal is to make vaccinations happen more quickly in the community, the sooner they can be implemented. So there are many choices. So, the free vaccines implemented by the government are still running", he explained.

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