JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission V DPR RI Syarief Abdullah Alkadrie criticized the government's move to open the Wuhan-Jakarta flight route amid the COVID-19 pandemic which has not experienced a decline. He assessed that the opening of this flight route would cause injustice to the Indonesian people. Moreover, the government has prohibited homecoming during this year's Eid holiday.

"The government is inconsistent with the current ban on going home," said Syarief, Tuesday, May 4.

The Nasdem politician reminded the government to pay attention to the increasing trend of the CIVID-19 pandemic cases both nationally and globally.

Moreover, said Syarief, Wuhan was the city that first caused the deadly virus. So, the opening of the Wuhan-Jakarta flight route cannot be guaranteed safe.

"I think if the aim is to slow transmission, things like the opening of the Wuhan-Jakarta flight route should not have been implemented," said Syarief.

"So as not to injure the sense of justice of the people who are now being banned from going home by the government. Especially in the month of Shawwal which has been a tradition of going home so far," he continued.

Therefore, the West Kalimantan legislator asked the Government to make policies that are in tune, both for domestic and abroad.

"Policies must be in tune, so that no foreigner should enter the Indonesian people, they are not allowed to go home," said Syarief.

Likewise, tourist attractions, he added, must also be closed because there will be crowds.

"When the policy has been decided, I hope everyone must be orderly in accordance with the rules between the central and regional governments as well as between foreign and domestic," said Syarief.

It was reported that the flight route from Jakarta to Wuhan, China, and back and forth was reopened to provide services to passengers.

The route is opened every Monday, where the Wuhan-Jakarta flight route with the round trip system is served by Lion Air using Boeing 737-900 aircraft. Based on data from the aircraft monitoring website, the plane with flight number JT-2619 departs from Jakarta at 06.20 WIB. and arrived in Wuhan at 12.25 WIB.

Then, the plane, which changed its flight number to JT-2618, then returned from Wuhan at 15:10 local time (14.10 WIB) and arrived at 20:20 WIB.

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