JAKARTA - The government's spokesman for handling COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto, announced a number of good news regarding the handling of the corona virus infection or COVID-19, today.

First, there are the addition of two patients who have recovered from positive cases of corona since yesterday. So, the total number of patients who have recovered from corona infection is 11 people. The details, 1 case in Banten, 9 in Jakarta, and 1 in West Java.

"The case that has become negative has recovered and can be sent home," Yuri said at a press conference at the BNPB Building, East Jakarta, Wednesday, March 18.

Second, Yuri predicts that the peak of positive corona cases will peak in April. After that, the cases will gradually decrease.

"We will get a more and more different picture. In time, we will predict that hopefully it will not be too long. In April we will begin to see the results," said Yuri.

It must be understood, currently Indonesia is entering the accelerated stage of virus sufferers originating from the city of Wuhan, China. This is a common picture in the early phases of the emergence of COVID-19 cases.

This is because the government is currently conducting a contact tracing of people with patients who have tested positive, so that more positive findings. In addition, now more and more people are independently checking their health conditions at the hospital.

Therefore, Yuri hopes that social distancing efforts or maintaining a distance of 2 meters and avoiding crowds can be implemented in all levels of society.

"This is a big challenge for all of us. At this time the public's curiosity is increasing. Of course, we have to improve the facilities for them to know (positive or not), through the laboratory. If not, there will be a gap and of course there will be a becomes a problem, "Yuri explained.

Third, the government has successfully "lobbied" a number of private hospitals to provide rooms and beds for patients under surveillance (PDP) and patients who have tested positive for corona. In total, the beds will increase by 300.

Hospitals that are willing include Siloam Kelapa Dua Hospital, Mitra Keluarga Jati Asih Hospital, Hemina Karawang Hospital.

"These three hospitals will only be dedicated to treating all COVID-19 cases. Meanwhile, other cases will be transferred to other hospitals," said Yuri.

In addition to beds, private laboratory networks will also begin to help check test specimens to determine whether a patient is positive for corona or not. Laboratory networks that can be tested for COVID-19 are the Siloam Laboratory Network, the Kalbe Laboratory Network, and the Bunda Group's laboratory network.

"By preparing the existing infrastructure, including the sampling report (in private hospitals), we are no longer fixated on the designated hospitals, but the private sector is serious about implementing it," concluded Yuri.

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