VIDEO: Will Happen Again One Year Twice In Ramadan For One Eid Al-Fitr
VIDEO: It Will Happen Again One Year Twice For Eid Al-Fitr, (VOI Video graphics Team)

JAKARTA - Muslims have just finished fasting. And recently there was interesting news that said if there was a possibility that Ramadan could last 2 times a year. According to the Hijri calendar which can be accessed through the site, Ramadan 1451 Hijri and 1452 Hijri will take place in the same year, namely 2030 AD. The beginning of Ramadan 1451 Hijri falls on January 5, 2030, and the 30th day of Ramadan falls on February 3, 2030. Meanwhile, Ramadan 1452 Hijriah will fall on December 26, 2030 until the fourth week of January 2031. Watch the video below.

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