Hilal Syawal 1445 H Not Seen In Banjarmasin, Early Determination Of Thick Cloud Constraints
Head of the South Kalimantan Ministry of Religion Regional Office Dr H Muhammad Tambrin and his staff during the Rukyatul hilal Awal Syawal or the entry of Eid al-Fitr 1445 H (photo: dock. between)

BANJARMASIN - The Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) of South Kalimantan Province (Kalsel) experienced problems in monitoring the hilal to determine the beginning of the month of Syawal 1445 H in Banjarmasin City. Monitoring is hampered by thick clouds that make the moon invisible even though it is above six degrees above the horizon.

The head of the South Kalimantan Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion, Dr. Muhammad Tambrin, stated that monitoring was carried out at 18.25 WITA with a calculation of the six-degree 10 minutes 51 seconds above the horizon. However, the cloudy sky blocks the possibility of seeing the crescent moon clearly, even with sophisticated monitoring equipment.

"The clouds are so thick that we can't see," said Head of the South Kalimantan Ministry of Religion Regional Office Dr Muhammad Tambrin in the Rukyatul Hilal title early in Syawal 1445 Hijriah in Banjarmasin City, Tuesday afternoon, April 9.

However, this hilal monitoring activity will be reported to the Central Ministry of Religion as a consideration in determining the beginning of the month of Syawal 1445 H at the Itsbat Session which will be held at the Indonesian Ministry of Religion in Jakarta.

"So we are here to carry out Rukyatul Hilal activities, then we are waiting for the results of the determination by the government through the Indonesian Ministry of Religion," he said.

Dr. Tambrin invites all South Kalimantan people to jointly wait for the results of the government's decision after the Itsbat Session at the Indonesian Ministry of Religion. The determination of the beginning of the month of Syawal has always been a concern for Muslims in Indonesia, and the activities of Hisab and Rukyat are an important part in determining the beginning of the Hijri month, especially the month of Syawal to determine Eid al-Fitr.

He hopes that the implementation of Eid al-Fitr 1445 H this year can be carried out in an orderly, safe, peaceful, moderate, and tolerant manner and with mutual respect. May Allah SWT bless the Indonesian nation and state, and always get His pleasure. Amen Allahumma Amen.

"Let's make the momentum of Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri a momentum to continue to spread goodness and peace between each other. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala (SWT) bless the Indonesian nation and state, and always get His pleasure. Amen Allahumma Amen," he said.

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