Bogor Botanical Gardens Hold Eid Prayers 1445, Here's How
Prayers are held at the Bogor Botanical Gardens (doc KRB)

In a matter of days, Muslims around the world will celebrate Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriah or familiarly called Lebaran. One of the main characteristics of Eid al-Fitr is Eid prayers. For those of you who are still confused about where to pray Eid al-Fitr? Bogor Botanical Gardens can be an alternative choice.

The implementation of Eid prayers at the Bogor Botanical Gardens has become a routine agenda that is carried out every year. However, at the time of the Covid 19 pandemic the activity was stopped.

After the pandemic period passed, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia gave permission for the implementation of congregational prayers, so that the activity was again held by the Bogor Botanical Gardens in 2023.

"We as partners managing the Botanical Gardens are committed to providing the best service to the community, especially residents of Bogor City. Eid prayers at the Bogor Botanical Gardens are a tradition that has been carried out for a long time and we will continue to do that to improve the quality of public services," said General Manager of Bogor Botanical Gardens, Andreas F Kindangen, Saturday 7 April.

General Manager of Corporate Communication of PT Mitra Natura Raya, Zaenal Arifin added that this activity is a routine activity of the Mosque Welfare Council (DKM) of the Mosque of Kifayatul Abidin Kebun Raya Bogor which is run every year, as part of social activities between the managers of the Bogor Botanical Gardens and the people of Bogor City so that good friendship is established.

The Eid prayer at the Bogor Botanical Gardens will be held in the Reinwardt area (area near the ecodome). The congregation of Eid prayers at the Bogor Botanical Gardens can directly come to the Bogor Botanical Gardens during Eid al-Fitr and can enter through Gate 3.

The pilgrims who wish to perform Eid prayers at the Bogor Botanical Gardens are free of charge for entrance tickets, the Eid prayer is held from 06.00 to 08.00 WIB.

After that visitors can leave the Bogor Botanical Garden area to carry out their activities outside the Bogor Botanical Gardens area.

Like the previous year, the majority of worshipers came from the community around the Bogor Botanical Gardens, sometimes attended by officials in Bogor City.

For Eid al-Fitr prayers this year, Ustadz Suhendi Al-Khathab, MA in 2023, the congregation who attended was around 2000 people, the congregation came in an orderly manner and flowed from 05.30 WIB to 07.00 WIB.

"We hope that this year the congregation of Eid prayers can be more solemn and comfortable by performing prayers in the Bogor Botanical Garden area where it is surrounded by various biological plants that accompany the congregation to perform Eid prayers. We also hope that the congregation after carrying out the Eid prayer can stay in touch with their families at home," said Zaenal, who is also the Deputy Chair of the DKM Kifayatul Mosque Abidin Bogor Botanical Gardens.

In addition to Eid prayers in the garden, during the Eid al-Fitr holiday, Bogor Botanical Gardens present bazaars that have been routinely carried out every year under the name Taman Hari Raya.

"We hope that during the Eid holiday season, visitors can increase to 100 percent from normal days," said Bogor Botanical Garden Sales & Marketing Manager, Susi Suparlina.

Susi Suparlina added that in preparing the Eid al-Fitr holiday period, the Bogor Botanical Gardens carried out various improvements to public facilities in order to provide better services.

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