Often Close Roads And Burn Firecrackers, Hundreds Of Students Arrested By Police At Four Central Jakarta Prone Points
Students are detained at the Central Jakarta Police/ Photo; IST

A total of 140 students were arrested by a joint team from the Central Jakarta Metro Police while conducting patrols at a number of vulnerable points. Hundreds of students were arrested from 4 points of conflict-prone locations in Central Jakarta, such as Fly Over Roxy in Sawah Besar District, Carolus Traffic Light (TL) intersection in Senen District, HI Roundabout, Menteng and Fly Over Jalan HBR Motik in Kemayoran.

"They argued that the convoy shared takjil which always caused riots and disturbances on the highway," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, April 3.

From the results of the raid, it was known that 73 motorcycles were not equipped with STNK and they did not have a driver's license. For a deterrent effect, students are given a vehicle ticketing sanction.

"Their activities endanger road users and local residents, because they often close the road while shouting to turn on firecrackers," he said.

In addition, from 4 points prone to convoy student brawls, the police also confiscated 26 firecrackers and 18 flags of various groups of student gangsters.

"Parents should pay attention to and direct their children not to get the wrong interactions that can damage the future," the Police Chief ordered.

He also hopes that the Central Jakarta area will be safe and free from all disturbances in Kamtibmas.

"We will carry out routine patrols both in the afternoon, evening and before the sahur to anticipate the occurrence of brawls and street crimes in the Central Jakarta area," he said.

In addition, the police also set up a patrol post for Ramadan as many as 24 posts at a number of points prone to brawls.

"If there are indications of residents or teenagers who will fight, immediately contact the Central Jakarta Metro Police and the nearest Polsek to be followed up," he said.

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