There Are Already Suspects, Cases Of Tronton Killing 1 Family In Mukomuko Stopped
Illustration of the crime scene. (Pixabay)

BENGKULU - Mukomuko Resort Police (Polres) stopped investigating the accident case of a tronton loaded with heavy equipment narrowing a Toyota Kijang car that killed a family of seven people from Tapan, Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra). Mukomuko Police Chief AKBP Yana Supriatna said the police had named one suspect in the traffic accident case that occurred in Mekar Mulya Village, Penarik District Thursday, December 7, 2023. "The case has been stopped or SP3 because there is a request from both parties, both the victim's family and the car owner's driver," he said through Traffic Head of Rully Zuldh Fermana in his statement at Mukomuko, Bengkulu, Tuesday, March 26, confiscated by Antara. He said that both parties, both the families of victims, drivers, and car owners, agreed to resolve this case in a friendly and peaceful manner and would not continue this issue legally. Both parties consider that the traffic accident occurred in Mekar Jaya Village, Penerak District, Mukomuko Regency, was equally unwanted and had accepted it sincerely. Furthermore, the first party was willing to provide compensation for vehicles due to accidents of Rp55 million. Then the first party in this case the driver and car owner gave compensation costs to the victim's family amounting to Rp15 million per person.

Sedangkan satu korban selamat yang masih anak-anak bernama Bratanata Kautsar Razky Surtamu dijadikan anak angkat oleh H Muksin atau pihak pertama, serta semua biaya hidup atau kebutuhan anak tersebut menjadi tanggung jawab pihak pertama.Kedua belah pihak sepakat tidak akan melakukan upaya hukum lainnya. Surat perdamaian ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya tanpa ada paksaan dari pihak mana pun.Sementara itu, dua kendaraan yang mengalami kecelakaan lalu lintas di Jalan Lintas Sumatera di daerah ini, yakni mobil truk Tronton bernomor polisi BH 8232 HV dan Toyota Kijang B 1536 WMSKronologis kejadian kecelakaan tersebut, yakni truk tronton bermuatan alat berat melaju dari arah Kota Mukomuko menuju Kota Bengkulu.Kemudian, karena truk tersebut tak kuat menajak sehingga truk tersebut mundur yang langsung menabrak serta menghimpit mobil Toyota Kijang tersebut.

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