Mahfud MD Regarding Lawyers Prepared During The Constitutional Court Session: Many Register But Crowded For What?

JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate number three, Mahfud MD said many lawyers who wanted to accompany his camp filed a lawsuit with the Constitutional Court (MK). They have registered even from a number of regions.

"Many have registered from various regions, from various lawyer professions," Mahfud told reporters, Thursday, March 14.

Mahfud said that there were indeed many people who registered. However, not all of them can accompany the Constitutional Court.

"Why are there too many crowds, yes, yes, we'll tell you to come later if you want to join," he said.

Mahfud explained that the National Winning Team (TPN) is currently preparing for the lawsuit. They are just waiting for the final vote count results to be submitted by the General Elections Commission (KPU).

Mahfud believes that the lawsuit in the Constitutional Court will run without a conflict of interest. His former position as chairman will not affect the existing process.

"I'm not the judge now I don't have a conflict of interest because now I'm principal. I'm not a judge who doesn't participate in deciding because I don't have a conflict of interest," concluded the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court.

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