Police Ban Residents From Playing Firecrackers And Convoy Sahur On The Road
Illustration of the sahur convoy on the road. (Special)

East Jakarta Metro Police prohibits residents from playing with firecrackers or fireworks to prevent disturbances to Kamtibmas and street crimes during Ramadan. In addition, the police also prohibit sahur on the road (SOTR) and other convoys of vehicles.

"Yes, we added a patrol car unit at night," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly when confirmed, Tuesday, March 12.

Patrols are carried out on an ongoing basis using the micro-level, mezo, and macro-level systems. This is done to narrow the space for criminals and brawls.

"More of them are intensified according to the results of mapping the crime scene (TKP) and the time of the incident," he said.

The East Jakarta Metro Police also posted appeals for social security in public places that can be read and known to residents of East Jakarta.

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