Deputy Minister Of Religion Asks His Subordinates To Strictly Monitor The Movement Of Prohibited Organizations In The Aftermath Of Alleged HTI Events At TMII
Illustration of the rejection of radicalism. (Between Maulana Surya)

Deputy Minister of Religion (Wamenag) Saiful Rahmat Dasuki reminded the ranks of the Ministry of Religion to increase awareness of the emergence of banned organizational movements in Indonesia.

This refers to an event allegedly held by the affiliated group Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI). Meanwhile, HTI has been dissolved and banned by the government since 2017.

"A few days ago, we were surprised by the Metamorphshow movement at TMII under the guise of Isra Mikraj. This activity is indicated by an organization that has been banned in Indonesia," said Saiful in a statement quoted from the Ministry of Religion website, Sunday, February 25.

Saiful emphasized that the existence of banned organizations, if left unchecked, would be able to damage the nation's ideology. Saiful also asked his staff to involve various parties in increasing their vigilance.

"To anticipate this movement, we need to increase the collaboration of various parties, especially from scholars, scholars, to Islamic thinkers," he explained.

On the one hand, he emphasized that the Directorate General of Islamic Guidance at the Ministry of Religion has a big responsibility to maintain the life of the nation and state agreed upon in the four pillars of nationality.

The former chairman of GP Ansor also asked Islamic religious instructors throughout Indonesia to sharpen the analysis in reading socio-religious phenomena that develop in the community.

"The Islamic text must be a driving force to create a conducive environment through inclusive and progressive approaches," he explained.

The alleged event held by HTI affiliate was revealed from X's social media tweet with the @chanzyyek account that the event which was held was called Metamorphoshow: It's Time to Be One Ummah which took place at the Indonesian Theater TMII, Saturday, February 17.

Not only that, but the event was also allegedly attended by former HTI spokesman Ismail Yusanto, Gen Z Influencer HTI M Ihsan Akbar, and Islamic History Docusinemq Producer Khilafah in the Archipelago Akhmad Adiasta.

The East Jakarta Metro Police also conducted an investigation regarding indications of a prohibited organization holding activities in the TMII area.

"So basically there is no use of symbols of prohibited organizations. So he asked for permission from the Sector Police and the Sector Police to give permission. The permit is only to celebrate Isra Miraj," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly to reporters, Friday, February 23.

Kombes Nicolas said the committee asked for permission from the crowd not to use symbols or names from prohibited organizations. He only used the name of his activity as Metamorphshow.

"We are investigating more deeply. (in the permit) Never using a name or symbol that has been banned in Indonesia," he said.

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