TANGERANG - Head of the Indonesian General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), Rahmat Bagja, visited the polling place (TPS) 126 accompanied by his wife on Jalan Taman Rilis, Ciputat, South Tangerang (Tangsel). VOI monitoring at 07.57 WIB, Rahmat Bagja was seen wearing Bawaslu RI official clothes. In his arrival accompanied by his wife and his aide. Rahmat Bagja followed the flow in the voting process starting from verifying the data to the table of the polling organizers (KPPS). Next to the stage to the voting booth with his wife and ending it in the ballot box.

Rahmad said that the TPS currently visited was running smoothly and there were no problems. Even in the Tangsel area, it has been raining since early this morning. "There are no obstacles in (TPS 126)," said Rahmat when met at the location, Wednesday, February 14.

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