Things You Should Avoid When You Want To Get Weighter
Illustration. (Photo: Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Are you trying to gain weight? And in these efforts, do you follow a healthy diet, exercise and active lifestyle? If your weight has not increased, that's a sign you may be on the wrong track.

So far you may think that eating enough will help you gain weight. But in reality that's not the case. To gain weight, you also have to take care of many other things.

Here are the things that make the process of gaining weight difficult to achieve:


You need to understand that your body accommodates changes gradually and produces results only if you regularly follow your diet and exercise. So, stop expecting results in the blink of an eye. Give it up and enjoy the process.

Avoiding sports

You may hear from many sources that you can completely avoid exercise when you plan to gain weight This is not true. You just need to change your training pattern to help your mission.

This lifestyle will not only make you obese but invites many health problems such as high blood pressure, respiratory problems, stomach or heart.

Consumption Of Food Is Too Heavy At The Same Time

The most common mistake made by people during the program to increase weight is eating heavy foods at once. As a substitute for increasing mass and meeting the body's nutritional needs, a person consumes a large amount of calories. This is where the fault is because the body can only consume certain amounts of nutrients in a single meal.

All excess foods are converted into body fat. Therefore, good fitness experts always recommend consuming 5 to 8 meals daily, rather than including each type of food in one meal.

The most important thing you can do to gain weight is to create a calorie surplus, meaning you consume more calories than the body needs. Consumption of high quality proteins that are sufficient from animal products is also very important for optimal growth, development, and health.

High protein foods include meat, fish, eggs, some dairy products, nuts, nuts, and others. If you need additional intake to help consume more calories and protein, then Wookey Weight products can be an option.

Wookey Weight is a dairy product made from natural herbal ingredients to boost appetite. Its composition includes temulawak, etawa milk, extract wheat seeds, ginger, binahong leaves and sugar palms. Some of the natural ingredients of these herbs are formulated into Wookey Weight milk.

"Each material is chosen to provide the best benefits for gaining weight without harmful side effects. This product has helped many people increase weight herbally. It has been proven by more than 10 thousand customer testimonials," said Muhammad Khusnul, Founder of Wookey Weight, Friday 26 January.

With the combination of these natural ingredients, Wookey Weight provides a solution to increase weight in a more healthy way.

"Wookey Weight has a special taste packaged in milk, so it won't cause nausea when you consume it," Khusnul said.

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