Allowed To Reunion 212 At Monas, Novel Bamukmin: We Don't Involve Any Presidential And Vice Presidential Candidates

JAKARTA - The 212 Alumni Brotherhood will again hold an action reunion or Munajat Akbar 212 on December 2, 2023.

This year, the 212 reunion will be held in the National Monument (Monas) area titled the provision of support for Palestinian independence.

The series of events is worship starting at 03.00 WIB, followed by remembrance and salawat together. Then, a religious tausiah was held by Islamic figures until 09.00 WIB.

Deputy Secretary General of PA 212 Novel Bamukmin said that his party had received permission to hold the 212 reunion at Monas from the Ministry of State Secretariat (Kemensetneg).

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Monas area was closed to the public. The 212 reunion in 2022 was also held at the At-Tin Grand Mosque because it did not get permission to hold activities at Monas.

"Honestly, we didn't know we would get a permit. Because last year we didn't get a permit, that's why we held it at At-Tin. Likewise, the Istiqlal Mosque, was suddenly allowed. Right, thank God. Well, only for Palestine we were given the widest possible place, thank God. Appreciation for the Ministry of State Secretariat," Novel told reporters, Wednesday, November 29.

In issuing permits for the use of Monas, the Ministry of State Secretariat requires that the 212 reunion activities not be brought to a political agenda.

Novel mentioned this. Novel said that the activities he claimed would be attended by the 3 million people did not provide a stage for the presidential and vice presidential candidates for the 2024 General Election.

"God willing, 3 million. We don't involve any presidential or vice presidential candidates. This is pure, this is open to the public. We don't invite presidential and vice presidential candidates. Only if they are present, we can't refuse, whoever it is. It's just not an oration or delivering a speech," explained Novel.

On the other hand, Novel also appealed to people who will attend the 212 reunion not to wear any political attributes, both presidential and vice-presidential candidates.

"Later we will appeal, from now on we urge them. They must be smart. They must know, they must understand. Our invitation is only blasphemy for the safety of the nation and state and to take donations for Palestine," he explained.

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