PALANGKA RAYA - The Central Kalimantan Provincial Government (Kalteng) is collaborating with Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in order to support the preparation of human resources (HR) and good planning to welcome the State Capital (IKN) in East Kalimantan.

"Central Kalimantan is an area very close to IKN, so it is necessary to prepare good human resources and plan through cooperation in research studies and assistance. This is to support the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045," said Central Kalimantan Governor Sugianto Sabran as reported by ANTARA, Friday, November 3.

Regarding this collaboration, the ranks of the Central Kalimantan Provincial Government have held hearings and signed a cooperation agreement (PKS) between regional apparatus and UGM in Yogyakarta.

The signing of PKS, among others, was carried out between the Forestry Service and the Faculty of Forestry regarding cooperation in the Forestry Sector, as well as the Horticultural and Livestock Food Crops Service (TPHP) and the Faculty of Animal Husbandry regarding cooperation in planning for the development of feed and feed factories in Central Kalimantan.

Then between the Health Office and FKKMK regarding the implementation of specialist doctoral program education and subspecialist for health workers, Bappedalitbang and FT regarding research and development of the tourism industry.

Furthermore, the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and the FT regarding the assistance of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) of the marine and fisheries sector, the Department of Transportation and the FT regarding research cooperation and optimization of general terminals, as well as several others.

Sugianto explained the collaboration between a number of regional apparatus as well as welcoming the era of digital transformation 4.0 and support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched by the central government.

"Research studies are a support for local governments in deciding policies in the context of evidence base policy, so that research study cooperation with Gadjah Mada University becomes a kind of communication in strategic steps for regional policies and innovations," he said.

Sugianto also said that it is very important to support and cooperate with UGM by contributing to research, development, and regional development in Central Kalimantan.

This cooperation strategy is also expected to further encourage the acceleration of various development and progress programs in all sectors in Central Kalimantan, so that the benefits can really be felt by the community.

"Strategic steps in supporting evidence-based policies are established, capable of optimizing and strengthening regional cultural protection, equitable distribution of regional human resources, development and improvement of the local economy, as well as other potentials that can be developed as regional superior commodities," he said.

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