Anticipating Forest And Land Fires, West Sumatra BKSDA Intensively Patrols To Forests And Lands
Photo Illustration: Antara

JAKARTA -Resorvation of Region II Maninjau Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) West Sumatra increases patrols in preventing forest and land fires in the area during hot weather. "We intensify patrols into forest and plantation areas during this hot weather," said Head of the Conservation Resort Region II Maninjau BKSDA West Sumatra Rusdiyan P Ritonga in Lubuk Basung, Sunday. He said patrols were carried out to prevent fires in forest areas or in community lands located around the Maninjau Nature Reserve. Maninjau Nature Reserve Area area covering an area of 21,891.78 hectares located in 32 villages or traditional villages, 11 sub-districts in Agam and Padang Pariaman Regencies. "Previously, plantation land was about 1.5 hectares caught on fire belonging to Armizon, Jorong Bukik Apir residents, Nagari or Padang Tarok Traditional Village, Baso District, Wednesday (27/9)," he said. He appealed to residents to avoid burning garbage in land or forest areas, especially during strong winds. Strong winds will risk spreading fire quickly and causing fires. Mainly, he said, oil palm plantations in Tanjung Mutiara, Lubuk Basung and Palembayan sub-districts, because peatlands are difficult to extinguish if fires. "Api with youngness spreads to other locations and is difficult to extinguish if it is burned," he said. In addition, not throwing cigarette butts carelessly in forest or land areas, especially if it is still burning which is at risk of triggering fires and does not make fire in hot areas that are prone to fire. After completion of burning, make sure to check the fire has been completely extinguished before leaving the place. "The notice is also that there are no flammable items around it. It is important to consolidate and coordinate all parties together to prevent forest and land fires," he said.

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