JAKARTA - The demonstration, which was held on Thursday, August 10 and the day before in Jakarta, was preceded by the spread of various video content on social media. If it is not verified, the content is included in the hoax category, aka fake news.

Haidar Alwi, an anti-radicalist activist, invites the public to be more aware of the spread of fake news or hoaxes. "In a series of real destinations, this effort only aims to heat up the national political stage. Especially at the end of this year, the intensity continues to increase," Haidar Alwi said in a written statement on Thursday, August 10.

Although the Legislative Elections and the 2024 presidential election are still a few months away, the turmoil of the democratic party has begun to be felt. Recently, a number of videos showing demonstrations in several areas have been circulating.

The narrative about the people power movement is associated with the discourse of impeachment, in fact, said Haidar Alwi, is a subversive act that targets the aspirations of the people. Moreover, this kind of narrative is often used by certain parties for their benefit.

The presence of Haidar Alwi, President Haidar Alwi Care and Haidar Alwi Institute, along with its role as a coach and advisor at the SKRI, is an important voice that reminds all Indonesian citizens to be more vigilant in facing current demonstrations. The goal is to maintain the country's stability from political efforts that want to disturb Indonesia.

"In the case of Indonesia being disrupted, it can open up opportunities for external infiltration efforts that have the potential to harm our natural resources," said Haidar Alwi.

He also appealed to all Indonesian people to be brave and think critically in seeing the current situation, which is actually much better. "Many old videos have been spread to provoke unrest in this country. Therefore, let us remain vigilant and wise in thinking," said Haidar Alwi, adding that he should not be consumed by hoaxes.

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