Jabodebek LRT Route And Station, Complete With Trial Schedule
Jabodebek LRT. (DOC. ANTARA)

YOGYAKARTA People can immediately enjoy the Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Bekasi (Jabodebek) Integrated Railroad (LRT) facility. The reason is, the Jabodetabek LRT is planned to operate this year. Before enjoying the facility, first know the Jabodebek LRT route.

As is known, the Jabodebek LRT is a mode of transportation intended for the general public who will serve the journey of the people on routes around Jakarta and buffer areas including Bekasi, Bogor or Depok.

It should be noted that the Jabodebek LRT has several routes and several stations will be available. Launching the Indonesia Baik website, the Jabodebek LRT has 18 stations, which is as follows.

Jabodebek LRT Station itself will operate and serve passengers with two crossings, namely the Cibubur route and the Bekasi route. The following is the complete LRT route.

2. Cross Bekasi

As is known, currently the Jabodebek LRT is in the trial stage. There are two stages of trial. The trial phase of the Jabodebek LRT is open from 12 to 16 July 2023. Meanwhile, the second phase of the Jabodebek LRT trial will start from 27 July to 15 August 2023.

The first trial stage is only for limited groups, namely from ministries/agencies, journalists/media, and communities. Meanwhile, the general public may take part in the second phase of the Jabodebek LRT trial.

During the trial period, the operating hours of the Jabodebek LRT will start from 08.00 to 12.30 WIB with four train trips per day. The quota is also still limited to a maximum of 600 people per day.

The Jabodebek LRT will also only serve 3 routes, namely the Cawang-Dukuh Atas, Cawang-Harjamukti and Cawang-Jatimulya. Payments for the Jabodebek LRT can be made using an Electronic Money Card (KUE).

Regarding the Jabodebek LRT tariff, the Ministry of Transportation has set it at IDR 5,000 per one kilometer (Km) first. Later, the tariff will be calculated as of the next km of IDR 700. The amount of this tariff has been stated in the Decree of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number KM 67 of 2023, concerning the transportation rate of people with light trains integrated in the Jabodebek area to carry out public service obligations.

That's information on the Jabodebek LRT route. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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