Ganjar Pranowo Is Amazed By The Dedication Of Grandpa TGB Zainul Majdi In Encouraging Women's Education
Ganjar Pranowo is known as TGB Zainul Madji and ulama. (IST)

PDI-P Presidential Candidate Ganjar Pranowo expressed his salute for the contribution of Guru KH Muhammad Zainudin Abdul Madjid in pioneering and fighting for the world of education in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

"The contribution to the nation and state is through formal and classical education which was opened first here," said Ganjar during a political safari on Lombok Island, NTB, Sunday, June 18.

In addition, Ganjar Pranowo continued, Tuan Guru Madjid also carried out a breakthrough by opening education for women in NTB through Islamic boarding schools in 1943.

"Our hope is that there has been enthusiasm since 1943 for women's education through Islamic boarding schools. It is really more able to empower women's groups. This is great," he continued.

Ganjar shared his experience meeting with the students of Tuan Guru Madjid. Many of them come from outside NTB. They know Mr. Guru Madjid from Youtube, or from their teachers and teachers who have studied in Lombok.

"Tell me about them so that there are lots of children, these female students want to mondok at the source and then they come here," he added.

Interestingly, the Governor of Central Java for two periods was impressed by one of the female students who told her about her parents' message not to get married early.

"There was something good earlier, there was a message from your parents why are you going all the way there after that you get married, huh. So he already has a barrier to be able to control himself from getting married early. I remind them so that Indonesian women learn as high as possible, not getting married early," said Ganjar.

Tuan Guru KH Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madj Badmin (5 August 1898 21 October 1997) adalah seorang ulama charismatic dari Pulau Lombok. Selain dikenal sebagai tokoh pendidikan, kepada mantan Gubernur NTB, TGB Zainul Majdi, adalah pendiri Nahdlatul Wathan, Ormas Islam terbesar di Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB).

Asked about the figure of TGB, Ganjar said that he had known Mr. Guru Bajang since he was still a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives. In addition, the two also often interact as fellow governors.

"Today PDIP and Perindo (TGB party) are also together, good," concluded Ganjar Pranowo.

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