AGAM - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Agam Regency, West Sumatra stated that the Batu Kambing Extraordinary School (SLB) building, Ampeknagari District was heavily damaged by falling trees after strong winds hit the area, Tuesday. The Head of the Agam Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Bambang Warsito, said that the tree hit the roof of a shop owned by residents and a multi-purpose SLB building, resulting in severe damage. "There were no casualties as a result of the incident and the loss is still being collected," he said in Lubukbasung, Antara, Wednesday, April 19. The Agam BPBD Task Force is cleaning the tree material that hit the roof of the school building. The cleaning uses wood cutting tools and is assisted by the surrounding community. The cleaning was carried out after BPBD Agam received a report of a fallen tree falling on the SLB on Wednesday, April 19 at around 10.21 WIB. "Cleaning of tree materials is still ongoing and is being worked on as quickly as possible," he said. He admitted that the tree fell due to strong winds that hit the area on Tuesday (18/4) afternoon. With this condition, Bambang appealed to residents to increase their vigilance by avoiding trees when strong winds accompanied by rain and cutting trees around the house. This is in order to avoid casualties and property due to strong winds accompanied by rain.
"We have to anticipate before the incident claimed lives," said Bambang Warsito.

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