MEULABOH - The Special Committee for Mining, Minerba and Energy Licensing of the Aceh People's Representative Council (DPRA) is investigating allegations of environmental pollution due to the spill of coal material into the sea in Peunaga Rayeuk Village, Meureubo District, West Aceh Regency.

"The arrival of the DPRA Special Committee team to West Aceh wants to see firsthand the location of the coal material spill site to the coast that occurred a few days ago," said the chairman of the Special Committee for the Tarmizi DPRA, quoted from ANTARA in Meulaboh, Saturday, April 1.

The special committee that was present were Fahlevi Kirani as secretary and three of his members, namely Mj. Roment, Edi Assarudin, and dr. Purnama.

Tarmizi added that the arrival of the special committee to West Aceh was also to oversee the process of examining coal samples that had previously been sent by the West Aceh Regency Environment and Hygiene Service (DLHK) to a laboratory on the island of Java.

The laboratory examination is to ensure that the source of coal is suspected to have polluted the coastal environment in the Peunaga Rayeuk Village area.

Based on information obtained by the special committee from the Head of the West Aceh DLHK, Bukhari, the results of the laboratory examination are expected to come out before Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijri.

He hopes that the coal sample examination process will be carried out in a professional and transparent manner.

"We don't want to speculate, guessing who the coal owner is, what is certain is that the owner is between PLTU 1-2 Nagan Raya or PT Mifa Brothers in West Aceh Regency," Tarmizi added.

He also ensured that the Aceh DPR Special Committee would also summon the leaders of the two companies to Banda Aceh because the case of a coal spill to the coast in West Aceh had happened before and it was hoped that it would not happen again.

"There is no way the solution is only by taking samples sent to the laboratory, then it's finished. Of course there must be a commitment from the parties and there is a firm attitude from the government," said Tarmizi.

He suspects that the case of the coal material spill into the sea because every process of shipping from the barge to the mother vessel must have spilled.

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