Kapolresta Pontianak Akan Tindak Tegas Balap Liar Dan Perang Sarong Selama Bulan Ramadan
Kapolresta Pontianak Kombes (Pol), Adhe Hariadi gave a press statement regarding the control of illegal racing perpetrators and the sarong war carried out in the month of Ramadan. (photo: dock. between)

Pontianak Police Chief Kombes (Pol), Adhe Hariadi said his party would take firm action against the perpetrators of illegal racing and sarong wars carried out in the month of Ramadan in his area.

"During Ramadan, many incidents must be avoided by the people in Pontianak, especially such as illegal racing activities that are often carried out by young people," said Pontianak Police Chief Kombes (Pol) Adhe Hariadi in Pontianak, Saturday, March 25.

He explained that the illegal racing that is usually carried out by teenagers is usually by dawn and after dawn after dawn. Illegal racing actors usually act from moving places, starting from Jalan Lieutenant General Sutoyo, Jalan Pattimura in front of the Emperor's Supermarket, at PAL 5 and Pal 6 and in other quiet places.

"This means that in a quiet area they are targeted to carry out the illegal racing. Last night they were also found to have acted on Jalan PAL 5 and PAL 6," he said, quoted by Antara.

Selain itu, Kapolresta Pontianak juga akan menindak tegas bagi anak-anak remaja yang melakukan pertarung sarong di waktu suhoor yang dianggap sebagai budaya oleh masyarakat Pontianak, padahal hal tersebut membahayakan bagi diri maupun orang lain.

"The sarong war, which is considered cultural by the community, can actually result in injuries to other people, because it contains stones and sharp weapons. So this can result in injuries and even abuse of others," he said.

He added, if this happens, it can be charged with criminal articles, whether it is related to sharp weapons of emergency laws or persecution of others. Therefore, the Pontianak Police Chief appealed to the entire community to maintain the conduciveness, security and order of Pontianak City.

"We urge the whole community to jointly maintain the conduciveness of Pontianak City for the sake of mutual security and order. For parents, please urge their children not to commit criminal acts or things that can harm themselves, their families and others," he said.

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